Kathryn Zdan, EA
Editorial Director
If you’re feeling short-staffed and don’t know where to turn, take a page out of Tina Clarke’s (cook)book. Clarke, the kitchen manager at Edward Peake Middle School in Biggleswade, U.K., was left alone in the kitchen on a school day after two employees called out sick.1 In a moment of creative genius, she called a BBC radio show – the guest being interviewed that morning was Gordon Ramsay. When her call was put through, she (somewhat jokingly) asked if Mr. Ramasy could come to the school after the interview and lend a hand.
Ramsay himself wasn’t available but he immediately dispatched a chef from his Lucky Cat restaurant in London, who went from prepping honey-glazed quail with tofu cream and plum hoisin to preparing large-batch cauliflower cheese for students.
So if you’re still fielding calls from new clients you don’t have the bandwidth for, try calling a tax celebrity. I’m sure even if Commissioner Rettig can’t come personally to your office to help, maybe he can send someone he knows.