Secondhand smoke hazes ... I mean hazards
When we think of secondhand smoke, we naturally think about tobacco, right?
Well our legislators up in Sacramento are way ahead of the game. With marijuana now legal, secondhand smoke issues have gotten a whole lot foggier.
Long-term impacts are no longer the focus, rather the immediate implications of secondhand smoke can take a whole new turn.
Or that's the concern being addressed by legislation introduced in Sacramento last week. SB 625 is seeking to tighten the regulations on party busses … you know, those busses you can rent to take you to another party, an event, or just drive you and your closest 50 friends around for fun. Party bus amenities not only include stocked bars, but can also offer strobe lights, smoke machines, sound and video systems, and some even advertise power remote-controlled mirrors ... yes, we don't want to know.
Now that cannabis is legal, party busses are allowing passengers to partake in the various products offered by the cannabis industry. But after the initial smoke cleared, evidently there were issues that arose. If SB 625 is enacted, passengers will only be able to smoke or vape marijuana on a party bus if the driver's compartment of the vehicle is sealed off and separately ventilated from the passenger compartment.
I think this is a bill we can all get behind ... especially if we're driving behind the bus.

Photo credit: Kris Krüg