2012 Federal Tax Rate Schedules
$0.00 + 10% of amount over $0.00
$870 + 15% of the excess over $8,700
$4,867.50 + 25% of amount over $35,350
$17,442.50 + 28% of amount over $85,650
$43,482.50 + 33% of amount over $178,650
$112,683.50 + 35% of amount over $388,350
Married filing jointly or Surviving Spouse
$0.00 + 10% of amount over $0.00
$1,740 + 15% of the excess over $17,400
$9,735 + 25% of amount over $70,700
$27,735 + 28% of amount over $142,700
$48,665 + 33% of amount over $217,450
$105,062 + 35% of amount over $388,350
Married filing separately
$0.00 + 10% of amount over $0.00
$870 + 15% of the excess over $8,700
$4,867.50 + 25% of amount over $35,350
$13,867.50 + 28% of amount over $71,350
$24,332.50 + 33% of amount over $108,725
$52,531 + 35% of amount over $194,175
Unmarried Head of household
$0.00 + 10% of amount over $0.00
$1,240 + 15% of the excess over $12,400
$6,482.50 + 25% of amount over $47,350
$25,220 + 28% of amount over $122,300
$46,430 + 33% of amount over $198,050
$109,229 + 35% of amount over $388,350
Federal Personal Exemption
Standard Deductions (Taxpayer not a dependent)
Married Filing Separate
Married Filing Joint and Surviving Spouse
Head of Household
Additional Standard Deductions for Blind and/or Elderly Taxpayers
Blind OR elderly
Blind AND elderly
Single and head of household
Married taxpayers filing joint, married filing separate and surviving spouse
$1,150 (per taxpayer)
$2,300 (per taxpayer)
Exemption Deduction Phaseouts and Reductions in Itemized Deductions
n/a in 2012
2012 Federal Filing Requirements for Most Taxpayers
Gross income at least:
Single taxpayer — under 65
Single taxpayer — 65 or older
Married filing separate (regardless of age or vision; or joint if not living with spouse at the end of 2011)
Married filing joint — both under age 65
Married filing joint — one spouse age 65 or older
Married filing joint — both spouses age 65 or older
Head of household — under 65
Head of household — 65 or older
Surviving spouse — under 65
Surviving spouse — 65 or older