In last week’s Tribune, I wrote an article titled “Business” autos: The bane of my existence.” If you missed out, you can read it here:
I think I hit a raw nerve with many of our readers because I received more direct e-mail responses to that article than any other article I have written in my nine years with Spidell. I responded to many, but the time constraints of tax season prohibited me from responding to everyone.
I take comfort in knowing that so many of us go through the same struggles and are confronted with the same client frustrations.
I communicate with so many tax professionals through e-mail, webinar Q&As, Message Board responses, and good old-fashioned face-to-face conversation at live seminars. I am always comforted when I hear another person in our industry let down their guard and admit to the annoyances in their practice or lament the errors they made along the way.
I don’t take pleasure in the hardship of others, but I take comfort in knowing that whatever I’m going through in my practice, nearly everyone else has gone through it, too.
I may not be able to respond to every e-mail that comes my way, but if you need to let it out, you know where to reach me: