Tribune: “Business” autos: The bane of my tax existence

Can we talk frankly about “business” autos? I can’t be the only tax professional who cringes every time a client says they bought a new car for their business that they insist is only used for business purposes.

In the most recent instance in my own practice, a lawyer told me that he bought a new Mercedes G550 in 2024 – a vehicle with a $150,000 price tag. He said he chose the G class because it has a gross vehicle weight rating over 6,000 lbs., therefore he can claim 60% bonus depreciation for the vehicle ($150,000 x 60% = $90,000 expected deduction).

When I informed my client that 60% bonus depreciation is only available for vehicles that have 100% business use, he insisted that he only used the car to commute to and from the office, therefore, the vehicle is 100% business. When I informed him that commuting to and from work is a personal expense and not a business expense, I got the usual “what do you mean commuting to and from work isn’t a business expense?” I’ve only explained this issue to clients a bajillion times.

I know my client’s business and I knew right away that his business mileage, if any, was probably 5% at best. Of course, he also had the firm purchase the vehicle. So now I have to deal with a vehicle owned by the business with 5% business mileage (if I’m lucky) and I’m sure the firm’s credit card will include car payments, gas, maintenance, etc.

This is only one of many, many different variations of business auto issues I encounter on a regular basis that have caused me to pull all my hair out (there’s none left). Do you hate business autos as much as I do? What business auto issues make you want to smash glass? Let me know via e-mail at

Tribune: This 501(c) was not the IRS’s cup of tea

The IRS denied a religious organization tax-exempt status because it served its members ayahuasca while it was awaiting a religious exemption from the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).1

Organizations that want to be classified as tax-exempt under §501(c)(3) have to demonstrate that their activities are legal and consistent with public policy. The organization in this case was a church whose members’ sincerely held beliefs involved the consumption of ayahuasca, a Schedule I controlled substance that contains DMT, which is a strong (and illegal) psychedelic drug.

Under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), there is a specific process for religious exemptions that allow for the use of controlled substances. To obtain the exemption, a religious organization must apply through the DEA, or a federal court can also issue an exemption.

The Iowaska Church of Healing applied for both tax-exempt status and a DEA religious exemption from the CSA. However, while those applications were still pending, the church conducted Ayahuasca tea ceremonies for its members. The IRS denied the §501(c)(3) exemption because the church engaged in illegal activity without a CSA exemption. The church cited Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Beneficente União do Vegetal,2 claiming that case recognized the use of ayahuasca in religious ceremonies as an exercise of religion under the First Amendment. But the IRS countered, and the court agreed, that the church had misinterpreted O Centro to mean they could use ayahuasca without the CSA exemption. Rather, that case found that an organization does not have to apply for an exemption from the DEA before seeking relief in the courts.

Tribune: Down the drain

The Environmental Protection Agency’s annual “Fix a Leak Week” is approaching: March 17 through 23, 2025. According to their website, household leaks nationwide waste almost 1 trillion gallons of water a year total. The website provides info on checking for various types of leaks, videos for how to fix simple leaks like leaky faucets, and other resources:

The USGS provides a drip calculator so you can get a sense of how much water is actually going to waste. They calculated the volume of one drip to be ¼ milliliter and you can see how that adds up at:

Tribune: The tax season pickle

Okay, I have a confession to make. I have become one of the myriad of “golden agers” who have joined the pickleball craze. I was never one for team sports; they were always way too much pressure for me. But I could never resist a ping pong table, and there my inner competitive monster would always come out. Friends who had seen me at the ping pong table said I’d love pickleball and, no, it didn’t require nearly as much energy as tennis, so I thought, why not, “I’ll give it a try.” 

And that was the last mild-mannered phrase you have since heard me utter about pickleball.

Here are a few of the things I absolutely love about pickleball:

  • You are constantly being yelled at to stay out of the kitchen;
  • I’m nowhere near a computer;
  • The majority of folks playing are my age or older;
  • It’s a great way to meet people who are rarely going to have the time to ask you any tax questions; and
  • Unlike golf, you can always find the ball after you hit it.

And now that I’ve become hooked, I highly recommend my fellow tax professionals to join in, especially during tax season. I know, you’re thinking I’m crazy, but hear me out.

First, pickleball scoring is significantly less complicated than calculating alternative minimum tax. When your brain is fried from determining whether your client’s crypto trades constitute a wash sale, there’s something refreshing about a scoring system that doesn’t require a master’s degree to understand. Plus, shouting “7-3-2!” is far more satisfying than working with balance sheets.

The “kitchen” rule in pickleball (where you can’t volley from the non-volley zone) is also oddly familiar to tax practitioners. Just as you wouldn’t dare step into the kitchen during a game, you know better than to step into certain tax positions without substantial authority. Both mistakes can result in painful penalties, though at least pickleball doesn’t involve IRS notices.

Consider the therapeutic benefits: Every dink shot is an opportunity to release the pent-up frustration of dealing with clients who bring their tax documents in a shoebox. Each serve becomes a symbolic launching of those passive activity loss limitations into the stratosphere. And nothing beats the stress relief of smashing a pickleball after spending hours on hold with the IRS.

Moreover, the social aspect of pickleball provides a much-needed escape from tax isolation. Instead of talking to your office plant about depreciation schedules, you can discuss them with fellow players who will quickly change the subject to literally anything else.

Remember: Tax season is temporary, but pickleball addiction is forever. Besides, the only audit you’ll face on the court is whether your serve was actually out. And unlike tax disputes, those can be settled with a friendly “do-over.”

Tribune: Bitcoin facts and firsts

From its humble beginnings trading for pennies to becoming legal tender in sovereign nations, from pizza purchases that made history to lost fortunes buried in landfills, Bitcoin has already had a journey that rivals the best Hollywood scripts.

Here are some fun facts about everyone’s favorite magical internet money.

Bitcoin factoids

Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin’s creator, owns around 1 million bitcoins (worth billions of dollars) but has never moved or spent them.1 The FBI became the holder of (at the time) the largest Bitcoin wallet in the world after seizing 144,000 bitcoins from the Silk Road marketplace in 2013.2 However, Satoshi Nakamoto is the largest Bitcoin holder.

There’s a limited number of bitcoins that will ever exist — 21 million. However, due to lost wallets and passwords, the actual number of usable bitcoins is significantly lower. Some estimates suggest up to 20% of all bitcoins are permanently lost.

For example, James Howells accidentally threw away a hard drive containing 8,000 bitcoins in 2013.3 He repeatedly tried to get permission to excavate the Welsh landfill where it’s buried, even offering the local council a percentage of the recovered funds.

(Following a hearing, a High Court dismissed Howells’ claim for excavation in January 2025, ruling that it had no prospect of success.)

A few people have had QR codes of their Bitcoin wallet addresses tattooed on their bodies, allowing for quick transactions by scanning their skin.4

Bitcoin firsts, a timeline

The first Bitcoin whitepaper was published by Satoshi Nakamoto on October 31, 2008, titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,” which describes the original plan and protocol for Bitcoin.

The first Bitcoin block (the Genesis block) was mined on January 3, 2009.

The first Bitcoin transaction occurred on January 12, 2009, when Satoshi Nakamoto sent 10 BTC to Hal Finney.

The first Bitcoin exchange, Bitcoin Market, was established in February 2010.

The first real-world Bitcoin transaction was on May 22, 2010 (also known as Bitcoin Pizza Day), when Laszlo Hanyecz paid 10,000 BTC for two Papa John’s pizzas (roughly $41 at the time, or $0.0041 per Bitcoin). The Bitcoin Pizza Index tracks how much that purchase would be worth in today’s Bitcoin:

The first major company to accept Bitcoin payments was WordPress in November 2012.

The first Bitcoin ATM was installed at Waves Coffee Shop in Vancouver, Canada, on October 29, 2013. The first Bitcoin ATM in Europe was installed in Bratislava, Slovakia in December 2013. The first Bitcoin ATM installed in the United States went online on February 18, 2014, in a cigar bar in Albuquerque, New Mexico, but was removed 30 days later.

The first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender was El Salvador on September 7, 2021.

Tribune: How do you make long office hours bearable?

Tax season has officially kicked off and for many of us that means arriving at the office before the sun rises and leaving long after it sets. Working 12+ hours every day, six or seven days a week for three months straight is a hell of a grind. How do you get through it?

Here’s what works for me:

  • Good snacks that change weekly (with a combination of healthy and some not-so-healthy);
  • Mixed coffees and teas to break up the monotony of the same hot drinks;
  • Keeping a good rice cooker in the kitchen so I can make a hot meal in an office environment;
  • Keeping a pillow, blanket, and sleeping pad handy because there will inevitably be a couple of days where I just hit a wall and need to shut my eyes for an hour;
  • Putting a weight machine in my spare office for a quick lunch-time workout (although, if I’m being honest, my consistency needs a lot of improvement); and
  • Large-screen TV mounted in my office – When I’m alone at the end of the day, I’m kept company by my old friends, Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.

Lately, I’ve had a lot of tension in my neck, so I’m considering a massage chair. It’s depreciable, right?

Send your best tips (and massage chair recommendations if you have them) to

Tribune: A fraud worth its weight in school lunches

Toward the end of 2024, a DOJ release floated across my desk: an individual in Seattle had been sentenced to 10 months in prison for failing to report as much as $6 million in income on his tax returns for 2016 through 2020.1 Upon closer reading, I discovered this individual owned coffee carts in Seattle. I know Seattle loves its coffee… the world loves Seattle’s coffee.2 But $6 million in income from coffee carts? The answer is yes, if they are bikini barista coffee carts, which these were.

Let us set aside the questionable (although apparently profitable) practice of selling coffee in a bikini in the winter in Seattle. The DOJ release also presents readers with a Helpful Comparison so we can wrap our pea brains around the magnitude of this fraud.

Not content to merely note that the coffee cart owner caused a tax loss of around $1.3 million, the prosecuting attorney offered that while the coffee cart owner had enriched himself from sales to his community, he felt “he did not need to pay his share of the costs that support that society. … For example, school lunches are provided by the United States Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service. But for this prosecution, [his] tax fraud would have cost the government the equivalent of 462,000 school lunches.”

Oh, now I get it. Dollars mean nothing to me, but undercooked pizza and tater tots? How dare he.

In case you are still unclear as to what this all means, here are more Helpful Comparisons, using a standard 10 × 8 school lunch tray:3

  • To circle the world with school lunch trays, you would need approximately 250 million trays.
  • You could fit approximately 300,000 school lunch trays in an acre if stacked perfectly without any space between them.
  • If you were to stack up 850,000 Styrofoam lunch trays that New York City schools used to throw away daily, the stack would be 8.5 times taller than the Empire State Building.
  • Stacked end-to-end, it would take 2,178.5 school lunch trays to reach the height of the Emerald City’s CN Tower.

Which brings us back to Seattle, and bikini barista coffee carts, and a fraud worth the height of 212 CN Towers in school lunch trays. And he only got 10 months.

Tribune: Beer taxes across Europe

Already dreaming about a post-tax season European vacation? If you know you want to get away but can’t decide on the destination, there’s always the usual considerations: museums, architecture, gardens, a restaurant featured on Chef’s Table… beer taxes.

The Tax Foundation created a map of the beer taxes across Europe, with Finland being the highest at €0.597 per 330 mL bottle of beer. You can see the rest at:

Podcast: Proposed regulations would update Circular 230

This week, we’re covering the proposed changes to update Treasury Department Circular 230, which governs practice before the IRS.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Tips for a new tax year: the passthrough entity elective tax

This week we’re covering some tips regarding the passthrough entity tax.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Taxpayer assistance under the Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2023

This week we’re covering the provisions of the Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2023.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Disaster postponements for Los Angeles County wildfire victims

This week we’re covering the disaster postponements for Los Angeles County wildfire victims.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Updated Designated Geographic Area for the New Employment Credit

Recently, the Department of Finance re-designated the census tracts, altering the Designated Geographic Area (DGA) in which employees must live in order for an employer to be eligible for the New Employment Credit. (FTB Tax News (January 2025)) Some census tracts previously eligible are no longer in the DGA. Other census tracts previously not within the DGA have been added and are now eligible. This new designation will be effective January 1, 2025.  

The New Employment Credit is a tax credit intended to encourage hiring of targeted populations (e.g., unemployed, persons, veterans, public benefit recipients) in specific areas of the state. To claim the credit, businesses must have employees working in an eligible area (aka, the DGA), which includes census tracts in the state with higher unemployment and poverty rates and excludes tracts with lower rates. The Department of Finance originally identified the census tracts in 2014 when the New Employment Credit went into effect. 

Additional information regarding eligibility for the New Employment Credit is available at:

Taxpayers planning to claim the credit should check the DGA map tool to determine if the area where their employees are working is within the updated DGA. Within the map tool, users can view both the new DGA and the previous DGA. Users can enter an address to determine if it’s within the DGA during a particular time period. 

The map is available at:

Podcast: Filing season update

This week, we’re covering some federal filing updates to be aware of for the start of the 2025 filing season.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Filing season update

This week, we’re covering some federal filing updates to be aware of for the start of the 2025 filing season.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: IRS provides limited relief for crypto investors

This week we’re covering some temporary relief for reporting certain digital asset transactions.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Key nonconformity issues to watch for on 2024 returns

This week we’re covering key nonconformity issues to watch for on 2024 returns.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

California Competes Tax Credit application window announced

For the second application period of fiscal year 2024/2025, the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development will accept applications for the California Competes Tax Credit beginning January 6, 2025, through January 27, 2025. (FTB Tax News (January 2025)) The final application window will be February 24, 2025, through March 10, 2025. 

The second application period has $215 million available for allocation. Applications for the credit will be accepted at:

Podcast: Functionality of IRS’s Business Tax Account tool continues to expand

This week we’re covering some recent upgrades to the IRS’s Business Tax Account tool.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: California conforms to some of the recently enacted Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act

This week we’re covering California conformity to certain provisions of the Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Considerations following the beneficial ownership reporting suspension

This week we’re covering some considerations following the recent beneficial ownership reporting suspension.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Planning for California’s net operating loss suspensions that go into effect in 2024

This week we’re talking about planning for California’s net operating loss suspensions that go into effect in 2024.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: New IRS form for making an IRC §83(b) election

This week we’re covering the new IRS form for making an IRC §83(b) election and the basics of §83.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Estimated tax penalty relief options

This week we’re covering penalty relief options for taxpayers who are subject to estimated tax payments.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Clean Vehicle Credits: Be sure to ask clients for their dealer report

This week we’re covering the Form 15400 dealer report that taxpayers receive when a vehicle qualifies for one of the clean vehicle credits.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Reporting IRS partnership audit changes to the FTB

This week, we’re covering how to report IRS partnership audit changes to the FTB.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: President Trump’s tax proposals

This week we’re covering the tax policy changes that we may see when President Trump returns to the White House in 2025.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: ABC test exemptions will sunset for certain industries

This week we’re covering some of the exemptions from the ABC test for worker classification that will sunset for certain industries at the end of this year.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Understanding the portability nature of an HSA

This week we’re covering the benefits of health savings accounts, including account portability.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Tax planning strategies to consider implementing by the end of the year

This week we’re covering three California planning strategies to consider implementing by the end of the year.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Tax benefits for military members

This week, we’re covering some of the tax benefits available to military members serving in a combat zone.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Understand the tax issues of holding a vacation home in an LLC

This week, we’re talking about holding a vacation home in an LLC and the California tax consequences.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: When are legal fees deductible on Form 1040?

This week we’re discussing when legal fees may still be deductible above the line on the 1040.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Property tax adjustments for commercial properties

This week we’re covering property tax adjustments for commercial properties.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Things to consider when choosing a trustee

This week, we’re discussing what to consider when choosing a trustee to manage assets in a trust.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Tricks and traps of filing a final corporate return

This week we’re looking at some of the tricks and traps around filing a final corporate return.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Continuing care retirement communities and medical expenses

This week, we’re covering continuing care retirement communities and medical expenses.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Understand how California treats accrued market discount income

This week we’re discussing how California treats accrued market discount income.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Uber/Lyft workers may soon be receiving back pay and benefits

This week, we’re covering the recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court not to review the Olsen case challenging AB 5.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Wealth planning with intrafamily loans

This week we’re discussing wealth planning with intrafamily loans.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

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Podcast: New Form 7217 for reporting property distributed by partnerships

This week we’re covering new Form 7217 for reporting property distributed by partnerships in either a liquidating or nonliquidating distribution.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Dividing property in a divorce

This week, we’re covering dividing property in a divorce and how that affects basis and the principal residence exclusion, among other things.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

California launches energy-efficiency savings program

California is launching the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR) portion of the federal Home Energy Rebates program, which provides savings on energy efficiency improvements. (U.S. DOE Office of State and Community Energy Programs e-mail (October 8, 2024) Available at: 

The HEAR program is one of two Federal Home Energy Rebate programs. The first phase of the HEAR program will offer federal rebates that will expand state programs to provide additional support to low- and moderate-income households. 

Available now 

Eligible owners of multifamily buildings can save up to $14,000 per dwelling unit, including up to: 

  • $8,000 for an ENERGY STAR-certified heat pump HVAC; 
  • $4,000 for an electrical panel; 
  • $2,500 for electrical wiring; 
  • $1,750 for an ENERGY STAR-certified heat pump water heater; 
  • $840 for an ENERGY STAR-certified electric stove, cooktop, range, or oven; and 
  • $840 for an ENERGY STAR-certified electric heat pump clothes dryer. 

To apply for the HEAR multifamily program, visit:  

Available soon 

Eligible owners of single-family homes will be able to save up to the following amounts on ENERGY STAR-certified heat pump HVAC units: 

  • $8,000 for low-income households (i.e., those earning less than 80% of their area’s median income); and 
  • $4,000 for middle-income households (i.e., those earning between 80–150% of their area’s median income). 

Second program launching in 2025 

There also is a second Home Energy Rebates program that California will launch in 2025. Under the Home Efficiency Rebates program, eligible Californians can save money on retrofits that reduce whole-home energy consumption.

Podcast: The risks of a compromised CAF number

This week, we’re talking about the risks of a compromised CAF number and the IRS’s process for handling these.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Making adjustments on the California return

This week we’re covering some of the more common California adjustments to be aware of for individual taxpayers.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Large company exemption from beneficial ownership reporting mandate

This week we’re talking about the exemption that “large” companies have from beneficial ownership information reporting requirements.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Another FUTA payroll tax increase is coming

This week, we’re covering the coming FUTA payroll tax increase that’s the result of California’s Unemployment Insurance Fund loan.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: SECURE 2.0 Act provisions that may affect Form W-2

This week we’re talking about certain provisions of the SECURE 2.0 Act could affect amounts reported on Form W-2.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Tax professionals may be contacted for IRS survey

Tax professionals may be randomly selected to take part in a voluntary survey to help the IRS improve services to the tax professional community and taxpayers. (IRS e-News for Tax Professionals 2024-38) Invitations to participate in the survey will be sent by mail with follow up via phone call from a Kansas City area code (816). The survey can be completed online or by mail in about 20 minutes.  

The survey will be conducted through December 6, 2024, by ICF, an independent research firm. It covers topics like e-filing, due diligence requirements, data security, and electronic document submission. All responses are anonymous and confidential, and the survey will not ask for personal information about tax professionals or their clients. 

For more information, e-mail or call:  

(888) 504-6387

Podcast: Nonresident sole proprietor income taxability

This week we’re discussing nonresident sole proprietor income taxability in light of several Office of Tax Appeal decisions.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Know when a private collection agency call is legitimate

This week we’re talking about how taxpayers can know when a call from a private collection agency is legitimate.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:>

Podcast: You don’t have to dissolve a California entity by December 31

This week we’re discussing the common misconception that a California entity needs to be dissolved by December 31 to avoid the $800 annual tax from accruing for the following year.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Inherited Roth IRA accounts and RMDs

This week we’re discussing RMD requirements for inherited Roth IRAs.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Calculating California tax on trust income

This week we’re covering calculating California tax on trust income.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Parent/child property tax transfers under Prop. 19

This week, we’re talking about changes that Proposition 19 made to transfers of California real property between parents and children.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

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Podcast: Registration tips when using the IRS’s IRIS portal

This week we’re discussing registration tips for using the IRS’s IRIS portal for information returns.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

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Podcast: When to file MFS versus MFJ

This week we’re discussing the advantages and disadvantages of filing married filing separate versus married filing joint.

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Podcast: Be the hero: Make sure your clients don’t lose out on withheld amounts

This week, we’re talking about nonwage withholding and some tips for tax pros to make sure clients don’t lose out on withheld amounts.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Multifactor authentication is a requirement for tax professionals

This week we’re discussing the multifactor authentication requirement for tax professionals to safeguard sensitive client information.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

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Podcast: Inherited basis in joint tenancy assets

This week, we’re discussing how to determine the basis of inherited property that’s held in joint tenancy.

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Podcast: The varied uses of Form 2553

This week we’re talking about Form 2553 and the ways it can be used beyond just for making an S corporation election.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Tips for filing Form FTB 3840

This week, we’re discussing some tips for filing Form 3840 to report certain like-kind exchanges.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Tricks and traps of the credit for electric and hybrid vehicles

This week, we’re talking about the credit for electric and hybrid vehicles, and some clarifications to be aware of.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Help your clients avoid Web Pay errors

This week we’re covering common errors taxpayers make when using FTB’s Web pay system, and some tips for avoiding those mistakes.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Understanding the mega back-door Roth strategy

This week we’re discussing the mega back-door Roth and what’s required to be able to take advantage of this strategy.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Avoid these causes for POA rejections

This week, we’re covering reasons why the FTB may reject a Power of Attorney submission and tips for avoiding errors.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Update on digital asset reporting

This week, we’re covering the latest guidance on digital asset reporting.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Administrative dissolution for nonoperating businesses

This week we’re covering the voluntary and involuntary administrative dissolution process for nonoperating entities.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Planning for Roth SEP and SIMPLE IRAs

This week we’re discussing Roth SEP and SIMPLE IRAs, how to report contributions, and planning tips.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Remote worker issues: two common scenarios

This week we’re covering two common scenarios that arise when employees are working remotely.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Investing for young adults

This week, we’re covering investment strategies for young adults and children.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: What does it mean to be “doing business” in California?

This week we’re covering what it means to be doing business in California for the purposes of filing returns and paying the annual or minimum franchise tax.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Social Security simplifies the disability evaluation process

This week, we’re covering changes that the Social Security Administration is making to simplify the disability evaluation process.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: EDD is auditing loan-out corporations

This week, we’re discussing the use of loan-out corporations, which are in the crosshairs of the EDD for AB 5 purposes.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Final regulations released for increased clean energy project benefits

This week, we’re talking about final regulations the IRS has released for increased clean energy project benefits.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Real estate withholding and trusts

This week we’re covering how real estate withholding is reported when the property is owned by a trust.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Limited partner self-employment tax back in the courts

This week we’re discussing limited partners and self-employment tax, and some recent cases on this issue.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: California tax rates: what’s included?

This week we’re talking about what factors into a taxpayer’s tax rate and how it can add up.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: New Energy Efficient Home Credit

This week we’re covering the requirements for the New Energy Efficient Home Credit available to builders and contractors.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: FTB has started its annual outreach letter campaign

This week, we’re covering the FTB’s annual outreach campaign to certain taxpayers who filed Schedule A and Schedule C.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Solar panel payments and property taxes

This week we’re covering the tax effects of financing solar panels through the PACE and HERO programs.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Worker classification and tax professionals

This week we’re covering when a tax professional may be classified as an employee versus an independent contractor, and exemptions from the application of the ABC test to tax professionals.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Know when a private collection agency call is legitimate

This week we’re covering the private collection agencies used by the IRS, and how to know if a call from one of these agencies is legitimate.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Be ready to make the June 17 passthrough entity tax prepayment

This week we’re covering some things to keep in mind about making the June 17 passthrough entity elective tax prepayment.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Repaying Social Security benefit overpayments

This week we’re talking about repaying Social Security benefit overpayments, and some recent policy changes regarding these payments.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: MyFTB multi-factor authentication coming soon

This week we’re discussing the FTB’s new multi-factor authentication process for MyFTB Accounts.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: When do you need to file an amended income tax return?

This week we’re covering when a taxpayer is and is not required to file an amended return.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Are your clients just receiving 2022 LLC fee late-payment notices?

This week we’re covering LLC fee late-payment notices for 2022 that some taxpayers have only recently received.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Homeowners association dues and assessments

This week we’re discussing homeowners association dues and assessments and when they’re deductible.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Property tax increases for partial transfers

This week we’re talking about property tax increases for partial transfers of property.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Understanding Form 1098-Q

This week, we’re covering Form 1098-Q, which provides information on qualified longevity annuity contracts.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Tax treatment of CalPERS long-term care premium settlement

This week we’re covering the tax treatment of CalPERS long-term care premium settlement payments.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: ERC relief still available beyond the Voluntary Disclosure Program

This week we’re covering two avenues still available for taxpayers who missed the Employee Retention Credit voluntary disclosure program.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s Federal Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Podcast: Bill would ease passthrough entity tax prepayment requirement

This week we’re covering a bill that has been introduced which would allow entities to make a passthrough entity tax election even if they didn’t make a June 15 prepayment.

To listen to this podcast, go to:

Subscribers to Spidell’s California Taxletter® or the Online Research Package can access the transcript here:

Tribune: Spidell’s Tax Season Tribune: Farewell until 2025!

This is it: the final issue of Spidell’s 2024 Tax Season Tribune. Hopefully we have provided you with some levity during this filing season, and maybe a few new jokes to tell at parties. Don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram — you’ll get great information there, too.

We’ll continue to provide you with more analysis, seminars, and breaking tax news. Next Sunday, Spidell’s California Minute® podcast returns for its ninth season, and Spidell’s Federal Tax Minute® podcast will be back starting April 23.

Tribune: TikTok tax advice

The IRS is warning taxpayers of the inaccurate and misleading tax advice coming from social media, including TikTok among other sources. Before you roll your eyes at me, let me say up front that the IRS’s warning is less about Chinese disinformation and more about faux experts run amok.

Who would have thought that a group of people whose lives depend on “clicks” would provide anything but sound professional tax advice? To save you the time, I watched a TikTokker (wearing cut off jean shorts and a tank top) explain that all you have to do is start an LLC, and you can deduct all your cell phone, car, and other expenses against your other income — no actual business purposes needed. Why didn’t I think of that?!? Oh yeah, because it’s tax fraud, you dolt!

So, as I end my last Tribune article of this tax season, let’s raise a glass to TikTok tax influencers and artificial intelligence creators alike! They will give real professionals plenty of job security to last (… at least until I’m ready to retire).

Until next year!

Tribune: IRS backpedals on medical expense deductions

In March 2023, the IRS issued new FAQs on their website addressing whether certain costs related to nutrition, wellness, and general health are classified as medical expenses under IRC §213.1

The FAQs reminded individuals about the deductibility of expenses like smoking cessation programs, therapy, weight loss programs, and gym memberships.

However, it seems that people were taking the IRS’s advice too far because almost exactly a year later, the IRS issued an alert reminding taxpayers that personal expenses for general health and wellness are not considered medical expenses under the tax law.2

Specifically, general welfare expenses that are not specifically for the purpose of diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease are not deductible or reimbursable under health flexible spending arrangements, health savings accounts, health reimbursement arrangements, or medical savings accounts (FSAs, HSAs, HRAs, and MSAs).

The IRS noted that some companies were misrepresenting the circumstances under which food and wellness expenses can be paid or reimbursed under FSAs and other health spending plans. FSAs and other health spending plans that pay for, or reimburse, nonmedical expenses are not qualified plans. If the plan is not qualified, all payments made to taxpayers under the plan, even reimbursements for actual medical expenses, are includible in income.

Tribune: A new look on the horizon

We are excited to announce that in May, Spidell will begin to roll out a new look and feel for our brand! This includes a new logo and a fresh look for our marketing and subscription e-mails. But you can be sure that behind these visual upgrades, there will be the same high-quality tax analysis that you have come to trust and expect from Spidell.

Tribune: The tax man cometh, and the therapist is right behind

Filing season can be hard on everyone, tax pros and taxpayers alike. But a recent poll by Cash App Taxes revealed that 25% of Gen Z taxpayers said they get so stressed during filing season, they need a therapist.1 Further, 54% of that same group said that filing taxes has brought them to tears in past years or they expect it will this year.

This could open up a new advertising avenue for tax professionals: “No-More-Tears Tax Prep.”

(If Cash App Taxes sounds familiar to you, they were the ones involved in the logo dispute with H&R Block, which we covered in the March 5, 2023, issue of Spidell’s Tax Season Tribune.2)

AB 984 to the rescue

In an attempt to bolster the financial literacy of young people leaving high school, California’s AB 984 would require a one-semester course in economics that would include content in personal finance as a requirement to graduate.

According to the bill’s authors, “AB 984 guarantees access to a personal finance course to all high school students, instilling them with the skills and support they will need throughout their lives.” Problem solved.

Except the bill analysis admits that there have been numerous past attempts to mandate personal finance instruction in high school, but research into whether this instruction is actually effective has mixed results.3 Specifically:

“One author concludes that, ‘We have long noted with dismay that students who take a high school course in personal finance tend to do no better on our exam than those who do not. This finding has been a great disappointment to consumer educators and to those who support efforts to make courses in personal finance a requirement for high school graduation, and it points to the need for better materials and teacher training.’ (Mandell, 2006).”

Until personal finance finds its way into the curriculum, filing season might be a boon to therapists. And taxpayers will want to refer to the IRS’s FAQs to see whether those therapy costs are deductible medical expenses. But more on that next week.