Fraud Friday: Amanda Ramirez v. Kraft Heinz Foods

In Amanda Ramirez v. Kraft Heinz Foods, Ms. Ramirez is suing Kraft over the statement on the packaging of Velveeta Shells & Cheese Original Microwaveable that states “Ready within three-and-a-half minutes.” She alleges that these instructions only describe the cooking time and fail to take into account the time it takes to remove the lid, add the cheese sauce, add water, and stir; had she known it would take longer than the stated time, she claims she never would have purchased the product. Ms. Ramirez is asking that Kraft cease its deceptive advertising and demands $5 million in punitive damages. (Her attorney had also filed a lawsuit against Frito-Lay for its “Hint of Lime” Tostitos, which the plaintiff in that case claimed contain only a “negligible or de minimis” amount of lime.)


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